Since a few months, I have been using time blocking in my Google Calendar as a way to get a better handle on my time than ever before. Let me paint you a picture: I have been very obsessive with planning my life for the past few years. And not in a positive way. I would plan everything out, to then not do anything as I made the planning too…
5 Books on Writing
It’s kind of funny, there are writers out there who write books on how they write books. Ironic, huh? But it’s great! It just gives the amateur writers, like me, a bit more insight on how the bestselling authors do it. I have been researching…
My Ultimate Author Dreams
As we are still getting to know each other, I thought I would give you a little insight into my dreams of becoming an author. These are little (or big) things I want to accomplish as a writer. If I can cross all of these…
Good day to you!
Welcome to my little corner on the internet. The corner that I have tried to design and tidy many times the past 10-15 years. The realisation that I have called myself a writer for that long is INSANE! I’m getting old. Anyway, let’s continue with…